Baby Boy Called ‘Real-Life Pinocchio’ & Mocked for His Nose – Mom Shows His Face Post-Major Surgery

Mom likens her son to the fictional character “Pinnochio” because of the way his nose looks.

People constantly mock the boy for the way his nose looks, even going so far as to call him “ugly,” without realizing the underlying medical reason for it.

Little do they know, the boy has gone through major surgery to try and make life more comfortable for him despite his rare condition.

"Pinnochio" as seen in Florence, Italy, on July 1, 2011 | Source: Getty Images

Children are familiar with the tale of “Pinnochio,” a wooden character whose nose grows each time he told a lie. A mom likened her son’s rare condition to that of the fictional character, but in their case, they never told a lie.

A boy named Ollie Trezise was born with a crack in his skull, forcing his brain to grow through it. His rare condition made his brain grow through his nose, making it look bigger than usual.

Ollie’s mom, Amy, couldn’t be prouder of the way her son has adapted to his circumstances. Ollie has gone through several surgeries, recovering entirely from each one.

Initially, when they first handed Ollie to Amy in the delivery room, she was speechless. He was born with a massive lump on his nose that worried her. In fact, at one point, she called her son her “real-life Pinocchio.”

While she couldn’t imagine how she and the rest of her family would cope with Ollie’s rare condition, she was sure her love for her son was unconditional.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t only their family that had a hard time coping. Whenever Ollie would encounter other children and even adults in public places, he wasn’t spared from hurtful comments.

Amy revealed that Ollie’s been the subject of horrible comments that she wouldn’t wish on anybody else. It’s been hurtful for her to see people staring at her son whenever they’re out in public. She admitted:

“I’d much prefer if people asked me why Ollie looks the way he does rather than just telling me [he is] ugly or pointing and staring.”

A woman with a serious expression | Source: Pexels

Amy is constantly afraid of what Ollie would do when bullied by kids his age. She thinks there’s nothing wrong with being different, and if people chose to see past her son’s appearance, they’d see a lovely boy who is perfect the way he is.

Even Amy isn’t spared from heartbreaking comments from other people. She revealed that one time, a woman told her the most offensive thing. “It’s absolutely heartbreaking. Once, a woman told me I should never have given birth to him. I nearly burst into tears,” little Ollie’s mom admitted.

Ollie’s rare condition first appeared in Amy’s 20-week pregnancy ultrasound. They noticed a soft tissue growing on his face. The large mass on his nose caused him breathing difficulties. He underwent several operations so he could breathe normally.

Initially, letting Ollie go through major surgeries at a young age terrified Amy. She couldn’t imagine ever losing him, but doctors convinced her that refusing the operation would have led to further consequences.

Doctors performing surgery | Source: Pexels

Ultimately, Ollie kept smiling and laughing throughout his recovery. It was his positive outlook that motivated his mom to stay strong for him through it all. From having a large mass on his nose that resembled that of “Pinocchio,” the mass on little Ollie’s nose was removed post-surgery.

Amy raised Ollie and her daughter Annabelle as a single mother. She and Ollie’s father were no longer together when the young boy underwent surgery at 21 months

In a similar heartbreaking yet inspiring story, a woman was called irresponsible for having a child despite her skin condition. Weeks later, she showed off her gorgeous little daughter.