Cat has lived on street her whole life – now watch when she tries to save newborn baby

The love parents have for their children is truly special. But even those without kids often build special ties with them. This is certainly true for us humans, but it’s also true for other animals.

When I heard this lovely story about a rescue cat named Sapphire who tried to save and protect her adoptive parents’ newborn daughter, I was instantly moved.

In 2018, a Siamese cat was spotted walking the streets of Kingston, Ontario in Canada. She didn’t look well, so a kind soul rescued her, hoping to give her a better life.

The good Samaritan contacted Carla Reilly Moore and her husband, who run a shelter for farm animals, and the couple decided to take in the cat, whom they later named Sapphire.

“While we are not a domestic animal rescue, we focus mostly on farmed animals. But for some reason when we received a call for Sapphire, we took her in, no questions asked. I found myself saying yes before I even knew what I was saying,” Carla said.

Carla and her husband started by taking the little cutie to the vet. There, they learned that she had eye problems and a broken pelvis. Sapphire would have ta long way to go before she was in top shape.

“It could’ve been a car, or she could’ve been kicked, we just don’t know,” Carla said.

Perhaps because of the way that she was injured, Sapphire had difficulty getting close to people and it was almost impossible to gain her trust. The cat spent her first night in Carla’s home under the bed, and she stayed there for a full 24 hours.

But then Sapphire saw Carla’s newborn daughter, Mary, and everything changed. At first, Sapphire admired Mary from a safe distance. But soon, her love for the baby deepened, and Sapphire even tried to protect Mary as if she were her own child.

“We noticed very quickly that Sapphire seemed to start protecting the baby. Whenever the dog came by, she would hop up and run over beside Mary,” Carla said.

Sapphire didn’t hesitate to protect Mary. This really impressed Carla and her husband and made them proud parents of their new furry family member.

Now Mary can walk and pet Sapphire. And Sapphire in turn cuddles and kisses Mary.

Imagine how much Sapphire has gone through and yet she’s incredibly loving and caring.

A cat can really be man’s best friend! Like and share if you agree! <3