Mother-in-Law Stands up to Her Son for His Wife Who Just Had a Baby – The Internet Is Cheering Her Amazing Speech

A mother-in-law shared a heartwarming TikTok video that ignited a flurry of comments after she advocated for her daughter-in-law and taught her son how to properly care for a new mother. Commenters gave her the mother-in-law award of the year.

A TikTok video featuring a mother-in-law’s supportive stance towards her daughter-in-law, who had recently given birth, has captured widespread attention.

TikToker with the username | Source:

The video, shared by, showcases an important moment where the mother-in-law not only stood up for her daughter-in-law, who had just welcomed a child but also imparted a crucial lesson to her son about the respectful and supportive treatment of a woman postpartum.

In the footage, the TikToker is seen busily preparing a meal when her son inquires about what’s on the stove. After she told him she was making wraps, she asked about her daughter-in-law and grandchild. Upon hearing that her son’s wife was “cleaning up” at home, the mother was in disbelief and, asked how she could be expected to clean when she had just given birth two months ago.

TikToker with the username | Source:

Her son tried to reassure her that she was doing fine, insinuating that she had a lot to do. But his mother emphasized that she was not meant to be cleaning or doing any kind of strenuous labor.

Reflecting on her own postpartum experience, she shared how she was afforded two months of complete rest, with her husband taking on all household responsibilities “I don’t do anything. I don’t cook. I don’t clean,” she reiterated. However, her son thought two months was too long to be doing everything around the house. “Two months is crazy. I can’t do all of that,” he said.

She insisted on the necessity of a proper healing period for her daughter-in-law and remembered her own grandmother’s advice on the importance of postpartum rest because it lowers the risk of ending up in hospital again.

The TikTok mother told her son she would pack him some food and bring more the next day. In the meantime, she instructed him to go back to his wife, apologize for not supporting her during her healing period, help her shower, prepare the bed, and provide her with food. Then, he should let his wife rest and take care of the baby for the rest of the night. The man had no choice but to follow his mother’s orders.

TikToker with the username | Source:

People in the comment section applauded the TikToker for standing up for her daughter-in-law and teaching her son how to care for a woman who had just given birth. Commenters shared their own post-birth experiences, highlighting both painful and positive stories. “MIL of the year award! I know your DIL, cherishes you” one commenter remarked. Another shared, “My mother-in-law was the same. Put him in his place! Haha.”

A woman with her newborn baby | Source: Shutterstock

Unfortunately, not everyone had a mother-in-law that stood up for them. One commenter said, “I did everything the moment I left the hospital… now that I realize… I should’ve loved myself more,” and responded, “You deserve all the love.”

Another mother described her solitary struggle “When I had to watch our 4 kids plus my newborn the day after my c-section.. alone 😭 That’s a mom teaching her son right,” she wrote. Meanwhile, another shared a less supportive experience, “My dam MIL told my husband to go work and leave me home to care for the kids cuz I WANTED THEM🙄 now pregnant with #4 she not allowed around 😭😒,” she expressed.

A man apologizing to his wife | Source: Shutterstock

The conversation the mother had with her son highlighted the critical role of family support during the postpartum period, emphasizing the need for compassion, understanding, and practical assistance to ensure the well-being of new mothers.