William Shatner finally addresses controversy of his youthful looks aged 92

It’s difficult to truly accept that the legendary William Shatner is now 92 years old.

No matter how many years pass, I’ll always picture the actor in my mind’s eye as the youthful, exuberant Captain Kirk in Star Trek. Of course, one quick Google search is enough to tell you he hasn’t reprised that role since 1994, and that he first stepped into the Captain’s shoes all the way back in 1966!

My point is, Shatner’s been around for a long, long time, and the fact that he’s still relevant in the entertainment industry today is testament to the star power he boasts.

Not only that, but by all accounts many fans are struggling to accept how the veteran actor can still look the way he does at 92. Indeed, some have even leveled accusations at him, though Shatner himself has now moved to surpress those rumors…

William Shatner has enjoyed a successful career at the top of the entertainment industry, becoming a household name spanning multiple generations after landing the part of Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek in 1966.

He reprised that role a number of times up until his final appearance in the Star Trek franchise in 1994, by which time he was a certified icon.

More recently, Shatner’s been involved in the production of a documentary about his life titled You Can Call Me Bill. After admitting he’d received a lot of offers over the years to do a documentary, he revealed that his reasons for making one now are directly linked to his mortality.

He told Variety earlier this year: “I’ve turned down a lot of offers to do documentaries before. But I don’t have long to live.

“Whether I keel over as I’m speaking to you or 10 years from now, my time is limited, so that’s very much a factor. I’ve got grandchildren. This documentary is a way of reaching out after I die.”

Yet though Shatner may well be past what most of us consider to be the prime years of a human’s lifespan, he still remains active and keeps himself busy. In October 2021, the Star Trek star became the oldest person to ever visit space as part of the Blue Origin crew.

“It filled me with dread,” he wrote of his experience. “My trip to space was supposed to be a celebration; instead, it felt like a funeral.”

In any case, Shatner has proved beyond all doubt that he retains a work ethic and energy levels that are unmatched by most people his age. Not only that, but he’s somehow managed to retain incredibly youthful looks given the fact that he’s now 92.

In fact, he looks so age-defying that a number of people have reportedly called him out in public, questioning just how he’s managed to keep his appearance so unchanged over the years.

For Shatner, though, there is no secret potion or surgery he’s undergone in a bid to slow the effects of Father Time. No, the actor himself said a couple of years ago that it’s simply good genetics.

“I don’t have any secret potions,” he said.

“It must be genetic. I ride a lot of horses, and I’m into the bewilderment of the world.”

On turning 90, meanwhile, Shatner said: “I don’t like 90. When I heard that 90 was coming up, I thought, ’What is that?’ I remember 90 way back when I was in Canada, and I thought ’90! People don’t live till 90.’ And here I am.”

I for one am a huge fan of William Shatner, and I hope he lives for another fifty years, continuing to inspire others!

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